English Version:

Meeting with His Excellency Dr George Vella, President of Malta

His Excellency Dr George Vella, President of Malta, held a cordial meeting with the Board Members of the Gozo Regional Development Authority.

President Vella thanked GRDA Board Members for the invitation and expressed his appreciation that the Authority launched s public consultation process that will draw a shared vision for the island of Gozo. In his comments, the President reiterated the importance of a broad and inclusive dialogue as to ensure that there is improvement in the quality of life of all citizens.

Mr. Michael Grech, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Gozo Regional Development Authority welcomed and thanked President Vella for visiting the Authority.  Mr. Grech explained that one of the first measures undertaken by the Authority was the launch of the Consultation Document that will lead to the development of a shared vision for Gozo.  “We invite everyone and especially those who have Gozo at heart, to participate in this open process with their feedback and suggestions so we can together draw up a feasible and forward-looking strategy that will safeguard Gozo’s future” said the Chairman.

Mario Borġ, CEO of the Gozo Regional Development Authority explained that the proposed strategy is based on three areas where the focus is on the 8 key priority areas that are all important for Gozo. “The document over 80 measures that are meant to improve Gozo’s competitiveness and create opportunities for further growth in a sustainable way” said Mr. Borg. He specified that this strategy will prepare Gozo for the next decade with particular emphasis on Gozo remaining distinct from Malta.

Mr. Grech present the book Gozo, the beauty, history, and culture of an island while Mr. Mario Borg present the Consultation Document for the Regional Development Strategy for Gozo to Dr Vella.

Verżjoni bil-Malti

Laqgħa mal-Eċċellenza Tiegħu Dr George Vella, President ta’ Malta

L-Eċċellenza Tiegħu Dr George Vella, President ta’ Malta, kellu laqgħa kordjali mal-Membri tal-Bord tal-Awtorità Reġjonali għall-Iżvilupp ta’ Għawdex.

Il-President Vella rringrazzja lir-rapprezentanti tal-GRDA għall-istedina u esprima l-apprezzament tiegħu għall-viżjoni li din l-Awtorità nediet għall-iżvilupp tal-gżira Għawdxija. Fil-kummenti tiegħu, l-President tenna l-importanza ta’proċessi ta’ djalogu u konsultazzjoni mifruxa u inklussivi sabiex tiġi żgurata l-kwalità tal-ħajja taħt kull aspett.

Iċ-Chairman tal-Awtorità Reġjonali għall-Iżvilupp ta’ Għawdex, is-Sur Michael Grech, irringrazzja lill-President Vella li għoġbu jżomm laqgħa mall-Membri tal-Bord. Hu spjega li waħda mill-ewwel inizjattivi li imbarkat fuqhom l-Awtorità kienet it-tnedija ta’ dokument għall-konsultazjoni pubblika, liema dokument qed jagħti viżjoni fit-tul għal Għawdex. “Nistieden lill-pubbliku kollu, speċjalment dawk kollha li għandhom lil Għawdex għal qalbhom, biex jikkonkorru u jwasslu l-ideat, is-suġġerimenti u l-viżjoni tagħhom għal Għawdex biex ilkoll flimkien insawru strateġija fattibbli u li twitti t-triq ‘l quddiem għal Għawdex” ikkonkluda ċ-Ċhairman.

Mario Borġ, CEO tal- Awtorità Reġjonali għall-Iżvilupp ta’ Għawdex spjega li l-istrateġija proposta mill-Awtorità hi msejsa fuq tliet binarji ewlenin u li jiffukaw fi 8 oqsma partikolari u li huma importanti għal Għawdex. “Dan id-dokument, qed jippreżenta għad-diskussjoni aktar minn 80 miżura bil-għan li l-prodott li joffri Għawdex jitjieb, insiru aktar kompetittivi u jinħolqu aktar opportunitajiet ta’ tkabbir b’mod sostenibbli” qal is-Sur Borġ. Hu speċifika li l-istrateġija ser twitti t-triq għal Għawdex għall-għaxar snin li ġejjin b’enfasi partikulari biex Għawdex jibqa’ distint.

Is-Sur Grech preżenta l-ktieb Gozo, the beauty, history, and culture of an island filwaqt li s-Sur Borġ preżenta d-dokument ta’ konsultazjoni dwar l-Istrateġija ta’ Għawdex lill-President Vella.

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