The Gozo Regional Development Authority (GRDA) was officially launched on the 14th of September 2020. It has as its legal basis Chapter 600 of the Maltese Laws.

The Authority has a consultative role and addresses an important gap in the socio-economic development of Gozo by developing and streamlining regional policies.

Regional Policies

Formulate and propose policies to socio-economic development of Gozo.


Consult with the Government, private sector, constituted bodies, non-governmental organisation and the general public.


Managing and overseeing the implementation of the Regional Development Strategy.

Regional Impact

Steward regional impact assessment studies on national proposals considered to have a material impact on Gozo.

Formulating Policies

Formulating policies to socio-economic development of Gozo and ensuring that Gozo’s significant economic, social and environment characteristics are factored in any national strategy and policy design.


Publish, managing and oversee the implementation of the Regional Development Strategy either by taking direct ownership of measures or by means of performance agreements with other government departments and entities assigned responsibility for their implementation.


Stewarding regional impact assessment studies on any national proposals considered to have a material impact on Gozo.

Gozo Regional Development Authority

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