A Note on the importance of Cultural Heritage in the context of the Regional Development Strategy
December 2021Latest News
GRDA clarification on Gozo Rural Airfield
The GRDA would like to clarify some points with regard the Gozo Rural Airfield project. The proposal was subject to a very wide public consultation during 2022 as part of the Regional Impact Asses...
Kjarifikazzjoni mill-GRDA dwar il-Gozo Rural Airfield
L-Awtorità Reġjonali għall-Iżvilupp ta’ Għawdex (GRDA) tixtieq tiċċara xi punti fir-rigward tal-proġett propost tal-Gozo Rural Airfield. Il-proġett tal-Gozo Rural Airfield kien suġġett għal konsu...
Climate Funding 4 Cities Project
As part of the Climate Funding 4 Cities Project, two representatives from GRDA attended the first Face-to-Face Partner Meeting in Klagenfurt, held between 16th and 18th September. This project is ...