To view the Regional Development Strategy for Gozo Document – Consultantion Document kindly view here.
- Do you agree with the high-level vision being proposed by the Gozo Regional Development Authority?
- Does this strategy need to give additional weight to any particular area beside the 8 priority areas already mentioned?
- What additional measures can be added to the ones listed in the consultation document?
- Do you agree with the concept that standards of living do not depend exclusively on income? What other factors should be considered?
- Do you think there is a trade-off between economic growth and conservation of the natural environment? If so, what weight should be given to the natural environment vis-à-vis the economy?
- In what ways can fiscal incentives be used to attract more business in Gozo?
- How can Gozo benefit from an environment which is conductive to Research & Innovation?
- How can we diversify the Gozitan economy? What other economic niches should be targeted?
- What are your views of the link between social development, inclusivity, and the changing social fabric of Gozo?
- Do you see a bigger role of Culture, History and Arts in Gozo?
- How can Gozo overcome the challenge of having inherent natural limitations?
- How much do you value connectivity with the main Island?
- Do you agree with the proposed methodology for prioritisation of measures?
- What are your views about the further involvement of the private sector in the implementation of specific measures?
Mistoqsijiet dwar il-Konsultazzjoni
- Taqbel mal-viżjoni li qed tiġi proposta mill-Awtorità għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali ta’ Għawdex?
- Hemm bżonn li din l-istrateġija tindirizza xi oqsma oħra partikolari apparti it-8 oqsma diġà msemmija?
- Liema miżuri addizzjonali jistgħu jiġu miżjuda ma’ dawk elenkati fid-dokument ta’ konsultazzjoni?
- Taqbel mal-kunċett li l-livell tal-għajxien ma jiddependux esklussivament mid-dħul? Liema fatturi oħra għandhom jiġu kkunsidrati?
- Taħseb li hemm kompromess bejn it-tkabbir ekonomiku u l-konservazzjoni tal-ambjent naturali? Jekk iva, liema piż għandu jingħata lill-ambjent naturali vis-à-vis l-ekonomija?
- B’liema modi jistgħu jintużaw inċentivi fiskali biex jiġbdu aktar negozju f’Għawdex?
- Għawdex kif jista’ jibbenefika aktar mir-Riċerka u l-Innovazzjoni?
- Kif nistgħu niddiversifikaw l-ekonomija Għawdxija? Liema niċeċ ekonomiċi oħra għandhom ikunu mmirati?
- X’inhuma l-fehmiet tiegħek dwar ir-rabta bejn l-iżvilupp soċjali, l-inklussività u il-bidla soċjali li qed isseħħ f’Għawdex?
- Tara rwol ikbar għall-kultura, l-istorja u l-arti f’Għawdex?
- Għawdex kif jista’ jegħleb l-isfida ta’ limitazjonijiet ta’ riżorsi naturali?
- Kemm hi importanti l-konnettività ma’ Malta?
- Taqbel mal-metodoloġija proposta għall-prijoritizzazzjoni tal-miżuri?
- X’inhuma l-opinjonijiet tiegħek dwar l-involviment tas-settur privat fl-implimentazzjoni ta’ miżuri speċifiċi?