To view the Regional Development Strategy for Gozo Document – Consultantion Document kindly view here.


  1. Do you agree with the high-level vision being proposed by the Gozo Regional Development Authority?
  2. Does this strategy need to give additional weight to any particular area beside the 8 priority areas already mentioned?
  3. What additional measures can be added to the ones listed in the consultation document?
  4. Do you agree with the concept that standards of living do not depend exclusively on income? What other factors should be considered?
  5. Do you think there is a trade-off between economic growth and conservation of the natural environment? If so, what weight should be given to the natural environment vis-à-vis the economy?
  6. In what ways can fiscal incentives be used to attract more business in Gozo?
  7. How can Gozo benefit from an environment which is conductive to Research & Innovation?
  8. How can we diversify the Gozitan economy? What other economic niches should be targeted?
  9. What are your views of the link between social development, inclusivity, and the changing social fabric of Gozo?
  10. Do you see a bigger role of Culture, History and Arts in Gozo?
  11. How can Gozo overcome the challenge of having inherent natural limitations?
  12. How much do you value connectivity with the main Island?
  13. Do you agree with the proposed methodology for prioritisation of measures?
  14. What are your views about the further involvement of the private sector in the implementation of specific measures?

Mistoqsijiet dwar il-Konsultazzjoni

  1. Taqbel mal-viżjoni li qed tiġi proposta mill-Awtorità għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali ta’ Għawdex?
  2. Hemm bżonn li din l-istrateġija tindirizza xi oqsma oħra partikolari apparti it-8 oqsma diġà msemmija?
  3. Liema miżuri addizzjonali jistgħu jiġu miżjuda ma’ dawk elenkati fid-dokument ta’ konsultazzjoni?
  4. Taqbel mal-kunċett li l-livell tal-għajxien ma jiddependux esklussivament mid-dħul? Liema fatturi oħra għandhom jiġu kkunsidrati?
  5. Taħseb li hemm kompromess bejn it-tkabbir ekonomiku u l-konservazzjoni tal-ambjent naturali? Jekk iva, liema piż għandu jingħata lill-ambjent naturali vis-à-vis l-ekonomija?
  6. B’liema modi jistgħu jintużaw inċentivi fiskali biex jiġbdu aktar negozju f’Għawdex?
  7. Għawdex kif jista’ jibbenefika aktar mir-Riċerka u l-Innovazzjoni?
  8. Kif nistgħu niddiversifikaw l-ekonomija Għawdxija? Liema niċeċ ekonomiċi oħra għandhom ikunu mmirati?
  9. X’inhuma l-fehmiet tiegħek dwar ir-rabta bejn l-iżvilupp soċjali, l-inklussività u il-bidla soċjali li qed isseħħ f’Għawdex?
  10. Tara rwol ikbar għall-kultura, l-istorja u l-arti f’Għawdex?
  11. Għawdex kif jista’ jegħleb l-isfida ta’ limitazjonijiet ta’ riżorsi naturali?
  12. Kemm hi importanti l-konnettività ma’ Malta?
  13. Taqbel mal-metodoloġija proposta għall-prijoritizzazzjoni tal-miżuri?
  14. X’inhuma l-opinjonijiet tiegħek dwar l-involviment tas-settur privat fl-implimentazzjoni ta’ miżuri speċifiċi?

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